SustainableFur Remnants Redesign — "Creative Expression of GarmentFabrics" with Industry Expert in Class
Author:Sun Jing; Photography: Li Andy, Zhou Shijie; Published by: Garmentand Textile College
OnMarch 29, 2024, Ms. Wang Jing, CEO of the Fur Council of Canada -China, delivered a lecture on creative redesign of natural furmaterials with the theme of "Fashion Sustainability, FurElegance and Rejuvenation". Ms. Wang focused on introducing thesources, operations, and production processes of natural fur. Throughvivid and engaging methods such as showcasing cutting-edge fur designcases and on-site appreciation of creative fabric samples, sheinspired innovative thinking in fabric transformation among youngdesigners and disseminated the concept of zero-waste and sustainablefashion design in natural fur.
Toprovide students with a more intuitive understanding of fur fabrics,Ms. Wang specially brought a large number of cutting-edge fur designsamples. She explained the characteristics, craftsmanship, andgroundbreaking design ideas of various fur types to the studentson-site, illustrating the unique emotional value added to each furpiece. Additionally, Ms. Wang commented on the students' fabricdesign samples and inspiration atmosphere sketches, receivingenthusiastic interaction and responses from the students, and theatmosphere was lively.
Thepresence of industry experts in the classroom not only providedstudents with a platform to learn and exchange with corporate andindustry experts but also deepened their understanding and closeperception of natural fur materials in the high-end market.Meanwhile, students expanded their ideas for creative expression ingarment fabrics and gained a new understanding of the sustainabledevelopment of natural fur. Students expressed that the industryexpert-in-class sessions enabled them to better understand the designdemands at the forefront of the industry and the trends in thegarment industry. They also gained a clearer understanding of thesignificance of design, could better recognize their own shortcomingsand the direction for improvement, and found the sessions to be veryhelpful for their career planning and future employment.
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