"FeathersBinding Teacher-Student Bond: The Four-College Badminton LeagueSuccessfully Concluded"
Publisher:Min Yuhan Publish Date: 2024-11-20
Inresponse to the development of the "supervisor-assistant-studentrelationship" among graduate students and to promote thecomprehensive development of students in morality, intelligence,physique, and aesthetics, the Schoolof Textiles and Fashion,in collaboration with the College of Materials Science andEngineering, the College of Chemical Engineering, and the College ofArt and Design, jointly organized the "Feathers BindingTeacher-Student Bond" Graduate Student-Teacher Badminton Leagueon the afternoon of November 10 at the Songjiang Campus Gymnasium ofShanghai University of Engineering Science. The league was hosted bythe graduate student councils of the four colleges. Five teachers,namely Li Yonghe, Zhai Jianguang, Xu Shusheng, Ma Xiaoqing, and LiLi, were invited to participate, and a total of 64 teachers andstudents from the four colleges competed fiercely. Ge Xin, from theCulture and Sports Department of the Schoolof Textiles and FashionGraduate Student Council, hosted the event.
LiYonghe, a teacher from the Schoolof Textiles and Fashion,delivered the opening speech for the league. He stated that thiscompetition was not just a sports event but also a grand gathering todeepen the supervisor-student relationship and enhance the bondbetween teachers and students. He hoped that everyone would showcasethe proactive and energetic youth demeanor of our graduate studentson the court and wished all athletes the best of luck in thecompetition, hoping they would achieve excellent results.Subsequently, the referee chief, Fu Wanli, reiterated the competitionrules and promised fair judging, appealing to the athletes toprioritize friendship over competition.
Onthe badminton court, teachers and students entered together,transforming their usual supervisor-student relationship intoteammates fighting side by side. The supervisors taught by example,demonstrating their love for life through concentration and hardwork. The students responded positively, showcasing their youthfulattitudes with vitality and perseverance. The competition scene wasthrilling and extraordinary. Especially in the mixed doubles matchesbetween teachers and students, the excitement was palpable. Theteachers, relying on their rich experience, predicted the trajectoryof the shuttlecock and responded calmly to each attack. The students,with agile footsteps, quickly filled in positions and vigorouslyexerted their youthful energy. The rise and fall of the badmintonshuttlecock not only drew the attention of the spectators but alsotouched the hearts of every participant.
Thisevent was not only a competition of skills but also a fusion ofemotions and a manifestation of the educational philosophy ofsupervisor-student interaction. Teachers and students communicatedequally and promoted each other on the court, comprehending theimportance of teamwork and feeling the strength of mutual supportamidst the sweat. The bond between teachers and students transcendsthe mere transmission of knowledge, further refining itself throughshared challenges. It is hoped that the "Feathers BindingTeacher-Student Bond" badminton series can become a bright spotin campus culture, inspiring more teachers and students to growthrough cooperation and advance through interaction, writing aharmonious chapter of the supervisor-student relationship.
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