Schoolof Textilesand FashionOrganizesan Exchange Activity for Graduate Student Cultivation BetweenInternal and External Mentors
Publisher:Min Yuhan Date: 2024-11-30
Duringthe period from November 5th to November 15th, in order to furtherenhance the quality of graduate student cultivation, theSchool of Textilesand Fashion organized anexchange activity for graduate student cultivation between internalmentors and industry mentors. Through various forms of discussion andexchange activities, graduate student mentors from variousdisciplines within the college, as well as external mentors,participated in the exchange on graduate student cultivation.
Bothinternal and external mentors agreed that professional master'sdegree candidates in textile engineering should possess a solidfoundation in basic theories and systematic professional knowledgewithin the field, be well-informed about the current technologicalstatus and development trends in this area, and possess certainpractical research and technological innovation capabilities. To thisend, our college leverages the industry-university-research strategicalliance as a platform to actively implement joint graduatecultivation programs with enterprises, vigorously promoting the "dualmentor" system. Internal mentors primarily take charge ofguiding from a theoretical perspective, teaching graduate students tograsp disciplinary knowledge and the latest theoretical developments,laying a theoretical foundation for practice. Industry mentors,leveraging their rich practical experience, guide graduate studentsfrom the classroom to social practice, fulfilling their needs foron-site observation, field internships, and participation in actualoperations, thereby enabling students to apply theoretical knowledgeto real-world practice, achieving resource sharing and complementaryadvantages.
Thisevent provided a platform for communication and discussion betweeninternal and external mentors. By sharing their experiences andinsights, it further clarified the direction and methods forcultivating professional master's degree candidates, demonstrated ourcollege's innovative ideas and practical achievements in graduatecultivation, and provided valuable experience and inspiration forfuture graduate education reform and development.
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