TheHuman Resources and Social Security Bureau of Siyang County, JiangsuProvince, Jiangsu Susi Silk Co., Ltd., and Schoolof Textilesand Fashionconducted exchanges and collaboration
Publisher:Qun Yang Time:2024-06-20
Onthe afternoon of June 19, 2024, Liu Lizhong, Director of theEmployment Service Center of the Human Resources and Social SecurityBureau of Siyang County, Jiangsu Province, Liu Xinhua, DeputyDirector, Liu Wencheng, Chairman of Jiangsu Susi Silk Co., Ltd., andSi Chuanzhong, Supervisor, visited our college for exchanges andcollaboration. Both parties focused on technical discussions with ourcollege regarding the quality issues of silk during production andweaving processes. Attendees from theSchool of Textilesand Fashion included DeanXin Binjie, Vice Dean Qu Hongjian, Deputy Secretary Xie Zhixia,Deputy Director of the Textile Engineering Department Yang Qun, andZhu Jie. The exchange meeting was hosted by Vice Dean Qu Hongjian oftheSchool of Textilesand Fashion.
DeanXin Binjie extended a warm welcome to the delegation and introducedthe basic situation of theSchoolof Textiles and Fashion,emphasizing that the college would fully support technical exchangesand talent matchmaking between the two parties, solve practicaltechnical problems for enterprises, and promote the development ofschool-locality cooperation.
LiuLizhong, Director of the Employment Service Center of the HumanResources and Social Security Bureau of Siyang County, and LiuWencheng, Chairman of Jiangsu Susi Silk Co., Ltd., successivelyintroduced the origins and development of Siyang County and Susi SilkCo., Ltd., as well as the relevant issues currently facing thecompany. Detailed discussions were held on issues such as stainsduring the singeing process of silk fabrics, the recycling andutilization of silk proteins in degumming wastewater, the UVresistance of silk fabrics, and high-moisture retention silk fabrics.Following the discussions, the delegation visited our college'sTextile Chemical Clean Production Engineering and Technology ResearchCenter, Fiber Material Research Center, and Functional TextileTechnology Innovation Center. The participating enterprisesunanimously agreed that the research directions of our collegeperfectly align with their actual needs and will accelerate theimplementation of relevant achievements and technologies in thefuture.